Further to the Coronavirus outbreak having major disruption to businesses and day-to-day lives, our critical infrastructure is put under great stress to ensure we can continue to function and deliver business continuity where possible.
With recent announcements from government, airlines and transport operators, the implementation of restrictions to travel and gatherings, it has become an increasingly challenging environment. It is essential for our critical infrastructure operator/owners, government agencies and emergency responders to concentrate on seeing us through this national emergency.
“All Federal department and agency heads are responsible for the identification, prioritization, assessment, remediation, and security of their respective internal critical infrastructure that supports primary mission essential functions. Such infrastructure needs to be addressed in the plans and executed to the requirements of the National Continuity Policy.”
As a result, Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience North America has been rescheduled to October 27th-29th, 2020 in New Orleans.
The event will also be able to review the impact Covid-19 has had on our critical infrastructure and what lessons could be learned to create greater resilience for our cities and economy in the future.
Save the New Dates for the 2020 CIPRNA conference and join us and other government officials, agencies, infrastructure operator/owners, academia and industry professionals, to listen and learn from a leading line up of international expert speakers discussing the latest hot topics and sharing of experiences .