Darrin Swan

  • Co-Founder and VP Sales
  • Todyl, USA

Darrin is Co-Founder and VP of Sales at Todyl, one of the strategic partnerships of Vital Integrators. Todyl is a unified networking and security platform that consolidates over 6 solutions into a single pane-of-glass and single agent approach. Darrin is recognized for cyber security, cloud solutions senior executive, entrepreneur, and notable speaker, with over 25 years experience in cyber security, IT services and software solutions. From his early days as UNIX systems administrator and managing two 24/7/365 Hewlett Packard data centers, to fifteen years in software sales leadership at Quest Software and Dell Computer , Darrin’s passion for achieving secure IT simplicity has been the beacon for his success.


  • Information Technology (CIIP) / Cybersecurity Symposium

    Securing the digital infrastructure. Information technology is responsible for such a large portion of our workforce, business operations and access to information and data, Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) through cybersecurity and network security, is vital to protect information assets. Recent ransomware attacks and other threats, such as Malware, Stuxnet, etc and the continued cyber threats and intrusions, means we have to be more vigilant to protect our information assets. How do we better secure our data, can AI or DevSecOps play a role in CI cyber protection and threat detection?