
Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience North America delivers some great discussions for the CI community, as well as offering a range of Workshops (Free to Attend with your Conference Delegate Pass) for a deeper dive into specific challenges, hosted by some of the event’s key partners:


9am-10.30am – Global Cyber First Responder Training & Certification

Host: Deborah Kobza, President, International Association of Certified ISAOs

Identify – Protect – Detect – Respond – Recover

Security Convergence – Advancing Critical Infrastructure Security Resilience

Requires Essential Public & Private Sector Coordination and Collaborative Security Response Across Physical, Cyber and Cyber-Physical Domains

This Workshop is a Defining Voice Opportunity to Participate and Benefit from:

· Appointment to the Global Security Resilience Alliance (GSRA)

· Defining Global Cyber First Responder Roles, Responsibilities, Competencies and Response Protocols – Supported by Training & Certification

· Alignment of Public & Private Physical, Cyber, and Cyber-Physical Response Protocols in Coordination and Collaboration with US DHS / Federal, State, Local, Tribal, Territorial Government / Fusion Centers, Law Enforcement, Critical Infrastructure Owners & Operators, Global CERTs, etc.

· Physical / Emergency Response &. Cyber Response Cross-Training – Ensuring Threat and Incident Response is Focused from an All-Hazards Perspective

· Security Convergence Table-Top Exercise (Physical, Cyber, Cyber-Physical) – Being Developed by US DHS

· Access to Global Actionable Intelligence Information Sharing, Analysis and Response – Within and Across Critical Infrastructure Public & Private Sectors

· Secure Communications – Patented Zero Trust Encrypted Communications Technology Developed for the CIA – Different DNS than the Public Internet

· OT Security Lab – Research / Training / Exercise 

Wednesday 8th MARCH

11.15am-12.30pm – Establishing a Community and Critical Infrastructure (CI) Preparedness Partnership

Moderator: Jeff Gaynor, American Resilience

Because community-based Critical Infrastructure (CI) empowers the spectrum of American Life. the reliable provision community-based CI products and services are indisputably personal for all drawing a breath.
Accordingly, CI sectors are organized, built, and operated to symbiotically merge in American communities. It is therefore mandatory that community perspectives regarding their CI performance-based funding requirements be provided by community-based customers, CI providers, business leaders and local authorities and further, be continuously captured, triaged, and funded.
Doing so requires the timely, accurate, and actionable exchange of CI situational awareness information from American communities to both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. Only with that information will the Nation be able to coherently invest to lower CI target values, correct their consequence enabling and multiplying cyber-reliant condition, equalize prevention, continuity, response, and recovery investments and achieve ideal levels of CI protection, security, and operational resilience.
Accordingly, the panel will provide community and business-based CI perspectives and will introduce a private sector initiative to secure funding for continuous community-based CI modernization to ensure the safety, security, quality of life and future for this and generations of Americans to follow.

Wednesday 8th MARCH

2pm-3.30pm – The International Emergency Management Society Workshop
Moderator: Dr. Tom Robertson, TIEMS Regional Director for North America, and Dr. George Markowsky, President of TIEMS USA
TIEMS ( is entering its 30th year as an international forum dedicated to sharing research, technologies, and best practices for disaster and emergency management. We convene international conferences, participate in research, technology, and development programs, and offer unique certifications in international emergency management, TQCTM and TQACTM.
In this CIPRNA workshop we will present a snapshot of the international community’s perspective on EM, as presented at our TIEMS 2022 Annual Conference. We will then review three European research and development projects addressing pandemics, climate change, and security in smart cities. Finally, we will highlight TIEMS activities here in the USA.
We look forward to an interactive session – sharing perspectives, insights, and experiences with our colleagues.

Part 1 – International Perspectives from the TIEMS 2022 Annual Conference

The TIEMS 2022 Annual Conference was held last October at Kennesaw State University in Marietta, Georgia. The conference was attended in-person and online by people from 38 countries, and featured paper sessions, panels, and workshops involving over 90 presentations. In this part of the workshop, we will highlight international perspectives from this conference on emergency and disaster resilience. Topics will include: critical infrastructure emergency mitigation in New Zealand; restoring cell phone communications in Ukraine; resilient power infrastructure in India; managing population displacement due to terrorism in Nigeria; and international institutional arrangements for postwar recovery in Ukraine.

Part 2 – Review of Three European Commission Projects in Disaster and Emergency Management

In the second part of our workshop, we will review three European Commission (EC) projects in which TIEMS has participated. These projects are part of the EC’s Horizon 2020 initiative, each a two-to-four-year activity involving over a dozen multi-national organizations from academia, industry, and emergency management. We discuss these projects at CIPRNA because they offer international perspectives on critical infrastructure challenges faced all over the world. The projects we will review include:
• ASSET – A project to develop better ways to communicate with and engage the public during pandemics. This pre-COVID project was launched in reaction to the poor results achieved by European government actions taken during the H1N1 pandemic
• HERACLES – A project to combine remote sensing, chemical analysis, and decision support tools to prioritize and manage activities for preserving cultural heritage sites endangered by climate change
• IMPETUS – A project using AI and other advanced tools to analyze smart city data such as CCTV video, social media, and communications networks, to improve public safety during large-scale urban events.

Part 3 – TIEMS USA Activities

TIEMS USA was established in 2014 as a local chapter within the TIEMS international organization. In this part of the workshop, we will review a sampling of activities undertaken by the Chapter and its members, and opportunities for you to get involved.